The Malaysian Journal of Pathology – moving forward
Author: Looi LM
Original Articles
Molecular profiling of breast cancer in Nigerian women identifies an altered p53 pathway as a major mechanism underlying its poor prognosis compared with British counterpart
Author: Agboola AOJ, Banjo AAF, Anunobi CC, Ayoade BA, Deji-Agboola AM, Musa AA, Abdel-Fatah T, Nolan CC, Rakha EA, Ellis IO, and Green AR
Serum soluble FMS-like tyrosine kinase 1 and placental growth factor concentration as predictors of preeclampsia in high risk pregnant women
Authors: Hanita O, Alia NN, Zaleha AM and Nor Azlin MI
Molecular characteristic of alpha thalassaemia among patients diagnosed in UKM Medical Centre
Authors: Azma RZ, Ainoon O, Hafiza A, Azlin I, Noor Farisah NAR, Nor Hidayati S and Noor Hamidah H
Blunt force trauma to skull with various instruments
Authors: Sulaiman NA, Osman K, Hamzah NH and Amir Hamzah SPA
Psychological traits underlying different killing methods among Malaysian male murderers
Authors: Kamaluddin MR, Md Shariff NS, Nur-Farliza S, Othman A, Ismail K and Mat Saat GA
Case Report
Myoepithelial carcinoma of the parotid gland
Authors: Kalogeraki A, Korkolopoulou P, Tamiolakis D, Papadakis CE, C Sepsa C, Lagoudaki E and Patsouris E
Unilateral ovarian fibrothecoma with menorrhagia
Authors: Krishnan D, Kumar K and Thomas AA
Fibrolipomatous hamartoma of sural nerve: a new site of an unusual lesion
Author: Parihar A, Verma S, Senger M, Agarwal A, Bansal K and Gupta R
Epithelioid hemangioma of distal femoral epiphysis in a patient with congenital talipes equinovarus
Authors: Mridha AR, Kinra P, Sable M, Sharma MC, Rastogi S, Khan SA and Gamanagatti S
Letters to Editor
Post mortem changes and clothing
Authors: Wiwanitkit S and Wiwanitkit V
Response: Post mortem changes and clothing
Author: Teo CH and Amir Hamzah SPA