Risk factors, prevention and communication strategy during Nipah virus outbreak in Malaysia
Authors: Chua KB
Original Articles
Pattern of homicidal deaths autopsied at Penang Hospital, Malaysia, 2007-2009: a preliminary study
Authors: Bhupinder S, Kumara TK and Syed AM
Argininosuccinic aciduria: Clinical and biochemical phenotype fi ndings in Malaysian children
Authors: Chen BC, Ngu LH and Zabedah MY
Observation of dendritic cell morphology under light, phase-contrast or confocal laser scanning microscopy
Authors: Tan YF, Leong CF and Cheong SK
Mutations in mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 (mtND1) gene in colorectal carcinoma
Authors: Yusnita Y, Norsiah MD, and A Rahman AJ
Histomorphology of aberrant crypt foci in colorectal carcinoma
Authors: D Norlida AO and Phang KS
Expression and mutational analysis of GATA3 in Malaysian breast carcinomas
Authors: Bong PNI, Zakaria Z, Muhammad R, Abdullah N, Ibrahim N, Emran NA, and Syed Hussain SNA
Case Reports
A “tumour trifecta:” Myelolipomata arising within an adrenocortical adenoma ipsilateral to a synchronous clear cell renal cell carcinoma
Authors: Mahe E and El-Shinnawy I
Late aortic dilatation and regurgitation after Ross operation
Authors: Kim MY, Na CY, Kim YM and Seo JW
A family study of HbS in a Malay family by molecular analysis
Authors: Hafi za A, Noor Hamidah H, Noor Farisah AR, Azlin I and Ainoon O
Letter to Editor
DNA damage and mutagenesis: is it an issue for swine flu?
Authors: Wiwanitkit V